RockitOil Is truly multi-purpose
Due to the unique way RockitOil works, there are a huge number of applications in industry, many of which complement each other.

Lubricant / Corrosion Inhibitor
RockitOil’s ability to lubricate without leaving a sticky, dirt attracting residue is particularly useful in polluted and dusty environments. Machinery that is prone to clogging and jamming will run for longer when lubricated with RockitOil. Bare metal cutting tools will stay cleaner and remain corrosion-free.
Corrosion Inhibitor / Surface Cleaner
When treated, bare-metal stock such as sheet steel and castings can be preserved from corrosion and handled without leaving corrosive fingermarks. Finished metal articles of all sizes can be cleaned, leaving a natural finish that is resistant to staining when handled. RockitOil will not interfere with any subsequent painting processes.
RockitOil’s cleaning abilities means that it is extremely useful as a ‘prep-fluid’ for soldering and welding

Penetrant / Lubricant
RockitOil is an extremely fast-acting penetrant; speeding-up the stripping and overhauling of machinery and equipment, particularly when dealing with heavily corroded or seized components.
Water-Proofer / Water Dispersant / Cleaner
RockitOil is a water-proofer, a water-dispersant and contact cleaner, meaning that only one product is needed to deal with items such as external junction boxes used in the electrical and telecommunications industry.
RockitOil works in all temperatures, will not gel, or leave a sticky dirt attracting residue, plus you can even paint over it!

Stainless Steel
With more and more use of stainless steel for wall cladding and handrails etc in the workplace and recreational areas such as shopping centers, finger-marking and smearing are becoming a big problem. There is a solution – RockitOil Stainless will not only clean and remove fingerprints from stainless steel surfaces but make them much more resistant to further fingerprints and smudging.